
oooo has a clear roadmap to achieve our vision:

Stage 1 - Robust Foundational Network

  • Connect Bitcoin and various Layer 2 solutions to form a safe, reliable, and versatile network.

  • Expand support for various asset types including BTC, Wrapped-BTC, Ethereum, stablecoins, and more.

  • Integrate with non-Bitcoin ecosystems to facilitate smoother and freer interactions between the Bitcoin ecosystem and others, ultimately helping the Bitcoin ecosystem flourish.

Stage 2 - Enhanced Interoperability & Composability

  • Open-source our underlying capabilities to support more dApps and components for cross-chain interactions and enhance efficiency. This empowers developers to focus on building their own features without worrying about specific blockchain integrations.

Stage 3 - Universal Compatibility

  • We aim for universal compatibility across all blockchains and expanding support for various scenarios.

Last updated